God is in CONTROL

Friday, May 29, 2015


First Fav - today's #`1 Pick -- This week the girls have had swimming lessons at ORU -- it's a long trek for Momma with 3 kids -- up a hill to get to the indoor pool.  Never mind that you're gonna get soaked on the inside -- the downpour on the way to the pool nearly downs you.

Notice the goggles and who is taking care of little sis

Vacation Pics - When your daughter is a photographer, you end up with some great pics -- I got my copies from Bethany this week and I just had to share. .  . I know our trip was 3 weeks ago --- but these need to be a part of my "electronic scrapbook"

Every night we had the most beautiful sunsets

Braving the Surf with Pappa

Papa and his girls -- Sydney wasn't crazy about the ocean-- only if you carried her

Daddy daughter time

Jack was a happy camper the whole week
Sundown dolphin watching 

We're all blessed - can't wait to meet her

Together is the best place to be

Chance Encounters

      You know those times you are headed out between one errand and the next --about to get to your car with only a few minutes to spare and as you get closer, someone is between you and your auto.  I looked at her and have to admit I am thinking, "Wonder what she is raising money for?"  It was clear she wasn't going anywhere.

She said, "I'm locked out of my car" OKAY -- I glanced at the car -- registration for this van as a cab and a BIBLE on the console between the seats -- I assumed she was on the up and up and so I was safe.   I asked her if she was a taxi driver -- she explained her husband was and lets her drive his van.  HMMMM and now  she was locked out of HIS car.
Image result for bungee cordImage result for screw driverImage result for lanyards

I remembered the tool kit that Terry had put in my car a long time ago and the fact that I always have lots of extras (and JUNK)in my back seat.   We used a bungee cord I found and a screw driver from the handy dandy kit --she was able to wedge the window open further with it and drop the bungee cord in -- we used my lanyard with a hook on it -- There were some cable ties -- I tried to make a hook for the door lock or handle with those.  NOTHING worked. We needed a HANGER

Image result for hanger

She went up to another car where the lady locked the car door and ignored her.

She approached another car of four people -- who got busy trying to find her something to help-- NO WIRE HANGERS  -

As we worked to open her car, I told her the story of being locked out of my van in Abilene, TX when the kids were early elementary age and Terry was out of town.  I had run into the neighborhood grocery and left my keys in our locked van.  Two policemen stopped by and couldn't unlock it.  Approaching us were two late teens that these policemen had arrested at one time for breaking into cars -- they got us in our car in NO TIME!

I decided to go back into Walgreens to see if they might have a hanger in the break room.  A lady from the car that wanted to help our stranded friend came inside too and said she'd BUY something to open that window--- it was kind of like being in the story of the Good Samaritan (one wanted help -- one didn't). . .  not saying I'm anything in the story but the lady looking for a hanger.  Three Walgreens clerks came to the front to see what the problem was- at the same time we all remembered we were a half block from Yale Cleaners, OF COURSE!!!

It was Friday at 5:00 -- time for EVERYONE in Tulsa to pick up their cleaning -- and get the WRONG items and the Manager had to find them -- and cars were lining up in the drive -- it took a while but --they helped fashion a hook as they handed the hanger over the counter.

By the time I made it back, a young clerk from Walgreens, came out to help bringing all sorts of gadgets--
The hanger worked beautifully -- My new friend was thrilled -- and I told her how happy it made me to see the Bible on her seat -- with an accent from a distant country she explained she went to RHEMA and God was indeed good.  I didn't even  catch her name -- but she is one of God's girls -- that makes her my sister.

Note to Jan:  Keep a clothes hanger in that handy dandy tool kit.

Image result for tool kit

Saturday, May 23, 2015

Ron -- (rolling the R with force and gusto)

Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of his faithful servants.  Psalm 116:15

I think of so many things when I think of Ron Butler White
This is one of my favorites.  Ron agreed to be Moses during an Exodus study for our Family Alltogethers.

ROCK -- is a name that comes to mind -- it fits

Strong and  Foundational, maybe even stubborn --

Unmoveable in principles and ideas --Always if it involved truth and honesty - and definitely choosing to follow Jesus way.

Able to withstand the test of many hard times

He has been such an integral part of the beginning of Life Park Christian Fellowship.  

I remember those meetings of Shepherds when he would come forth with something strong and definite as he rubbed his balding head.

A precious conversation in early 2008 we had with Ron and Carol when they encouraged us to stay the course and plan God had placed on Terry's heart, us walking together as a team to accomplish the ministry and mission we felt God had laid out for this church family.
Ron was at every fellowship and even his shirts revealed what his life stood for- settling a Church on this property was so important to him.  I remember when we were celebrating the Feast of Tabernacles and how his group's shelter was clearly the best!

We know of only his later ministries -- the 20 years we were with him as Church family: Ministry to:
>  men released from prison -- how he had people pick them up and bring them to Life Park in the shopping center.  Every Saturday calling these men

>his TCC classes in religion that were always packed
He liked to counter any discussion -- I think to keep it more interesting -- that wasn't just in his classroom, either
>teaching GED classes
>even substitute teaching high school
>housing people who were trying to get on their feet or new to this country.

Ron was always a person who saw ministry to be done and tried to enlist others in the calling.  I remember how he would tap shoulders and say -- you need to .... or you should go up talk to that person --

He was an organizer and believed strongly in committees.  He always had a way he thought things could work.  When he and Terry would visit --even at the hospital -- he would have a plan for how he believed a certain  committee could get ministry done more effectively. The growth of the Church was always forefront in his mind.  His mind stayed sharp until the end.

Following Jesus -- answering this call on his life spanned the 88 years he lived.  

Growing up in an orphanage in India, later attending seminary - he and a fellow student learned of baptism and decided they needed to baptize each other.   

He was a power house in his early years serving as a Methodist Bishop in ministries in India, Singapore, Malaysia, Austrailia and America.

His conversations about Jesus revealed that as this old servant aged - his Master became even dearer and nearer to him.

Ron loved his family . . . 

Ron was blessed to have 3 of his four children, Paul, Janice and Sharon together with him in the past 3 weeks -- and he's home now his fourth precious daughter, Lynette.

Ron and Carol have built an international family.

Old and young -- his kids and Carol's kids -- they were all his!

Grandkids were especially near and dear to him

 So many of the grandchildren have come here to honor their papa in the last 2 1/2 years of his declining health.

Until his early 80's Ron would make regular trips to visit his children across the globe and enjoyed his time with each and every one of them.
His faith is a legacy he has left to each of them as they have come to know Jesus.  
Praying with and for them was especially important to him.  

I'm told he was even able to say a blessing over Dylan and Haiden's baby in the womb early this past week. 

Tynleigh has been such a sweet little caregiver for her Pappa.  Her favorite thing has been to bring him drinks and make videos of him -- she even made made up songs to him.

The other day she asked her great g'ma why Papa had to go be with Jesus - 
Carol asked her don't you think they will have a great time together --
To which she responeded, "Oh, yeah"!
As he progressed his life's journey - the more dear and precious the Communion service meant to him.   He's enjoying that Supper of the Lamb -- the Holy Eucharist as he called it now.

Last weekend when Terry was at his bedside, Ron gave him a blessing as he'd never done before, these two friends who used to argue about who would preach whose memorial service.  These two friends who could sometimes be frank with each other. . . but still honored each other as a close friend. 

On Monday night as we read verses, Terry would intentionally leave one out and he'd finish it.  We sang his favorite songs and this old soldier joined in.  

By Tuesday, his words were gone -- but he was able to give strong hugs to his returning Marine, Dylan.

But now to you, Carol, whom he called "Dahling" - you have been his constant caregiver, support, lover, nurse, helpmate -- this family you have built together, will continue to look to you as their matriarch with your laugh and nurture and the love you pour forth to all of them-- these children here and and across the globe -- love you and will stay connected through the lifeline you have built over the many miles.

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