God is in CONTROL

Saturday, April 18, 2015

Happy Birthday, Bethany Janeese

Bethany picked me up from my 11th treatment yesterday and then we were able to go to lunch for her 35th Birthday -- We Bell girls love to celebrate our birthdays for days so we need to start early.

One of my favorite pictures -- Terry was on duty
the whole time of Bethany's birth!

It seems like only yesterday.

Cousin Angie and Nonnie
We don't know where the time has gone! 
We love you for so many reasons -- you have always lit up the room with your smile and laugh -- you bring us such joy! 

 Love you so, Mom and Dad!

Friday, April 17, 2015

From the Mouths of Babes

We're enjoying watching Sydney's language develop -- 

Early this morning when Syd was  sneaking down the hall before time to get up -- Campbell was heard instructing her sister, "If you don't get back in this room , you're going to lose kids' day with Daddy-- To which she responded "Campbell quit copying me" (the only response this 2 yr could think of) -- don't know how that fit -- but it was her only comeback!  

She loves to tease Campbell with anything that she thinks will make her annoyed -- and her sense of humor is laced with impishness.  When  C is having a melt-down or grippy about something -- Syd sings "Gretta Grumpy, Gretta Grumpy  . . ."
then looks at her momma and says, "I happy Momma. . ."

 She is picking up so much that she hears and wants to be in preschool so badly with big Sis -- yelling "Drop me off, drop me off" when they are in the drop off line at Redeemer Covenant.

- When they put Jack's helmet on for the first time today -- Sydney ran to the garage to get her scooter helmet to wear to support Jackers. 
Daddy Day came off as promised and planned for all three Goods
The Jenks aquarium was packed - so Daddy opted for Barnes and Noble -- a fav for them and Daddy.

Tonight at bedtime Campbell said to Sydney "I want to wash your feet like Jesus washed the disciples feet".

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

When Sydney heard big sister say it was Pink Tuesday -- she ran to the costume closet to create her very special look.  The top is a Strawberry shortcake costume of her momma's at that age.

Campbell is so focused on all topics related to Jesus return.  It's all very real to her and she wants it now.
The other day she was clattering away in the back seat when her momma heard her say as she gave the side of the car a swipe with a wet wipe -- "Jesus is coming back, and He likes a clean car."

And on a deeper theological note she asked her momma- "what happens if God breaks his own laws?"
Surrounded by lot of lovin'!

Friday, April 10, 2015

10 down and 6 to go!!!
The verses that struck a chord with me today are: 

"Who am I and what is my family that you have brought us this far?"  2 Samuel 7:18

"All day long I will proclaim your saving power, for I am overwhelmed by how much you have done for me.  I will praise your mighty deeds." Psalm 71

Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Everything came together when Campbell realized that dress up today was "Western Day" not "Restroom Day"
She cracks me up!!!  Still laughing! 

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Easter Buddies

I just have to post my favorite Easter pic of our three Grands. 

Easter started for us with a dynamic message by Mondo on the last three days of Jesus life.  He made it all come to life in his only-Mondo-could-do-that way.

Campbell was touched by her Sunday School lesson and kept saying -- "Mom, I just want us to all die and go be with Jesus -- Mom, Jesus is coming back to get us -- let's just all go to Heaven -- Mom, is Parker Jesus' Mommy?"

Sydney found her basket from Mommy and Daddy at 6 am and before breakfast had eaten all her candy.

Campbell couldn't wait for the Easter Bunny and left a carrot on the door mat out front -- so sure that he'd take a  bite when he showed up.  

Major Decision:  (WHO was going to take a bite out of that veggie on the stoop?") oh well, somebody had to do it-- thanks Nana!

With all the rain and drizzle we opted for an inside Egg Hunt --

Sydney couldn't quite get the hang of  the hunting eggs routine until she discovered Reese's peanut butter cups in her eggs.

-- S was really taken with the huge magnifying glass we put in her Easter Bucket 

Bethany and I both had stuffed eggs resulting in twice as much sugar for two already-energetic little girls, which made for a meltdown at bed time and a much-too early wake-up on Monday morn.  I'm calling it the "NO SUGAR - EASTER BUNNY RECLAIMED IT ALL"  MONDAY"

Campbell always keeps us laughing -- still a bit wired from Sunday's sugar high on Monday afternoon - she was jumping off the ottoman and her mom had asked her to stop.  She did -- but forgetting, returned to jumping once more and fell and got a goose egg on her head.  Her momma explained that misbehaving had caused her to get a goose egg.  
Clearly scared and upset -- not ever having heard of a goose egg,
she cried, "Is it going to hatch?"
I guess it's an Easter throwback from all the eggs of the season.

Saturday, April 4, 2015


Treatment #9 is one for the books -- 7 more to go!!!  
Dr. Taylor asked if my surgeon was excited about the MRI results -- I mentioned that she said with the chemistry of this cancer typically the diminishing of the cancer was not this drastic --He looked at me grinned and said -- "But it is!"  
I love the names of Jesus and how in different phases of my life - those names have come to be dominant -- I know Him as my Jehovah Rapha, in a way I've never known before.

Thank you, Jesus!  

With YOU, Jesus, we caught this before it became even more agressive -- Not knowing where to go in this cancer journey -- YOU  led us to wonderful faith-filled physicians who can appreciate and understand answered prayer.
So many prayers for Jan Good's surgery were answered so completely yesterday!
Terry and I watched Killing Jesus, the National Geographic rendition of Bill O'Reilly's book last night.   Lots of the miraculous was left out -- Bill's books have tended to be very accurate to the historical account. For some reason NatGeo left out some of the significant God-connecting-to-physical-earth-in -a-supernatural-way portions.  I'm thinking that was more them than Bill O'Reilly.

As they show Jesus starting his ministry and approaching John for baptism -- it's John trying to convince Jesus that God has this cup for HIM.  If Jesus didn't know HE had a heavenly calling, then what was the 12 yr. old Jesus in the temple about, anyway?  

When he baptizes Jesus -- there's no voice from Heaven. I HAVE ALWAYS LOVED THAT PART!

No feeding the 5000.

There are a few healing ones -- mainly the catch of fish to call Peter and reinstate Peter.

There is no angel in the garden coming and ministering to Jesus as HE is praying for the cup to pass.

The sun doesn't darken during those 3 hours of the crucifixion.

The tombs don't open up and the dead walk around in Jerusalem.

The veil of the temple isn't split in two - signifying that now all disciples can have a direct relationship to God.

The angel isn't at the tomb telling them Jesus is risen and He doesn't appear to the disciples.


Was showing Jesus relationship to HIS mother and brothers and their questioning what he was all about --

The Last Supper and HIM washing their feet

Nicodemus and Joseph of Arimathea - as members of the Jewish ruling council and their defense of him -- how they are interwoven into the back story of it all secretly being his followers.

The scene of Jesus mother wrapping him for burial--- 

The scenes of the trial and flogging tore at my heart.

That evental Friday  that sealed our eternal destiny was horrific --Saturday was a dismal day -- but Resurrection Sunday came.  


Wednesday, April 1, 2015


He has risen! He is not here. See the place where they laid him. 7 But go, tell his disciples and Peter, ‘He is going ahead of you into Galilee. There you will see him, just as he told you.'  Mark 16

This phrase resonated with me throughout the day after I heard it on the radio driving to school this morning --

    "Go tell Peter"  i.e.  Let Him know that wasn't the end of me --  I want to see him  -- It's not over . . . 

I got to wondering --When He hung on the cross, did His eyes search the crowd looking for Peter?  He saw the women, His mom and John -- was he straining to see if this man who was one of his closest and first chosen was on the fringe of the crowd?  Where did Peter go on that Good Friday?  

Peter had let the crowd know "this guys's not with me"---  3 TIMES!!!  (not too different from those times we sell out to a lesser passion or our pride.)  

But Jesus knew the plans He had for this man and that Peter would serve the Kingdom in mighty ways.  Sure, He knew all his shortcomings -- but He loved that big hunk of a fisherman as deeply as He loves you and me.

And Peter didn't stay away for long -- on Resurrection Morning he went to the tomb just after the earliest disciples.  He went to see.

When Jesus reinstates Peter-- he takes him back to the first place he called Him to follow Him.  Puzzled Peter had decided to go back to fishing when along comes His Jesus who once more tells him to throw his nets out -- and once more they catch such a huge catch of fish the nets break.

In front of a fire after catching fish -- 

Jesus presses in, asking 3 times in 3 ways -- "DO YOU LOVE ME, PETER?"  He wasn't letting go of this man!

Easter is about coming home . . .

       Jesus has the lights on waiting for us -- 

                  We're always on His mind.

I loved a song in my early years . . .

                        Keep so busy servin' my Jesus
                               Keep so busy servin' my Jesus

                               Keep so busy servin' my Jesus

                                     Ain't got time to die!!! 

                       It takes all of my time to praise my Jesus

                            All of my time to praise my LORD
                     If I don't praise him -- the rocks are gonna' cry out
                                              GlORY AND HONOR
                                             GLORY AND HONOR

                                                                 Ain't got time to die.

I was thinking of this song one day after a fun time of teaching Sunday school when I told Terry that when I see Jesus -- I want to know that I have totally exhausted the gifts HE has given me.

But in all my DOING ---  I want PRAISE to have prominence.
 . . What is it that in all the doing -- and being so BUSY for HIS BUSINESS -- that we lose our PRAISE?   Maybe even get a little grumpy while we're DOING?  It's like we lose sight of the UPPER STORY.  

Notice that the REAL business in this song is PRAISING.

That last week on Sunday they were praising Jesus and by Thursday they wanted him dead!!!  I dare say in both crowds were some of the same on-lookers -- who just couldn't make up their minds . . . so easily swayed.

--  I love reading everything Jesus did His last week on earth -- cursing the fig tree -- healing -- teaching -- covering all the bases for the passover meal with his closest.

 Jesus knew what was ahead -- yet at dinner, He took time to affirm and serve them.  They were clamoring to be the best in His Kingdom and at that time He knew that in the coming months and years their lives would be forever turned upside down in Kingdom Living. He gently washed the feet of  the men would change the world. 

In this Passion Week -- may we slow down to PRAISE

It's the language of Heaven.

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