God is in CONTROL

Thursday, March 20, 2014

Headed to Denver we knew it could be Spring one day and Winter the next so we packed both types of clothes.
On the way there we drove into  a "brown-out" dust storm - we couldn't see more than one car ahead of us and we left Denver Tuesday morning in freezing temperatures and a blowing snow "white-out" -- we felt God's  protection the whole way.

Hyder went with us --it was her first road-trip--  I'm not sure she'd have wanted to go if she'd have known it would be 24 hours on the road in 4 1/2 days.

Sunday Katie and I decided it was time for Terry to find a dog - so we took charge and loaded him up and headed out to Dumb Friends League. Terry and I separately discovered Charlie (Brown we call him) He's a 12 yr. old Maltese Terrier I went to take a picture -- only to find Terry doing the same.

Katie and Marshall were perfects hosts -- we packed a lot in the 2 1/2 days we got to spend together. Marshall had to make rounds both mornings and so we took off for Golden to have a late lunch when he got home

Terry and I went to Golden two years ago on Spring Break --it's a quaint spot that is rich in Western culture so we jumped at the chance to go back with Marshall and Katie.

Sunday and Monday temperatures were AWESOME -we loved our outdoor time!
We made it official on Monday and adopted Charlie.
Callie, Hyder and Charlie all became fast friends.

He turned out to be a great traveler and has made the transition to his new home quite well -- Campbell and Sydney LOVE him

BTW -- Marshall broke the news to his mom that he's had a Harley for quite some time and to my first and loudest question:--YES - he does wear his helmet.

Sunday, March 9, 2014


Weekends are for  worship, re-charging our batteries,
 relaxing and spending time with our family.
Can't wait for our upcoming weekend 
we get to spend with our Colorado Kids.

Our weeks are crazy full for all of us and the time together breathes new life into me.
 Spur of the moment meals 
Being outdoors
or burgers on the deck at Bethany and Mat's
Time on the phone with Marshall and Katie
planning my Sunday school lesson
or talking with extended family and longtime friends.
All of these enrich me and feed my spirit!


I especially love one with an open schedule and lots of time to play with the girls --
With the weather 
warmer Friday evening there was plenty of time for playing in the "Sand Castle" -- 


 -Saturday mornings start early with Playdough and hot cocoa before 7:00 

Don't know who is more worn out from sleepovers -


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