Our house is back to "normal" if there is such a thing -- Last year's "camp" was two nights with one 2 yr. old -- this years was four nights and two kids. Hmmm -- are we going for six nights next year????
It's far too quiet -- Camp Nana Papa was over yesterday when Bethany and Mat arrived home from their trip to Napa Valley and it left us missing our little gals like crazy!!!! (never mind that they are only five miles down the road) We miss having them under OUR roof and waking up to them being with us.
I loved
. . . Listening to their early morning chatter at 5 or 6 -- with Campbell announcing, "I'm up NOW -- I did a good job staying in my bed AND I'm hungry!!!"
. . . Checking in on them at night and watching these little cherubs sleeping soundly ---
. . . Papa and Campbell's routine of Road Runner and "molk" and graham crackers -- the squares, please. C reminded me that Papa doesn't want RECTANGLES!
We got the sweetest smiles and giggles out of this little lady |
and watching her feed herself -- that little gal CAN EAT!
. . . Reading just one more book (several times over) to help Campbell drift off to sleep - when you ask for more BIBLE stories what's a Nana to do????
Whoever invented the exer-saucer is a genius!!! |
. . . A living room cluttered with her Mommy and Uncle Marshall's vintage Fisher Price village-- and a bajillion "little people" that Campbell talks to and creates a whole dialogue with.
. . . Converting the above ground pool to sand- play pit and
enjoying C's reaction -- "DID YOU DO THIS FOR ME???"
She added her own artistic touches ---
Yes, Camp is over and so is the . . .
Negotiating her in from her "sand castle" playground promising her that "yes, after nap when the weather is cooler, she can go back outside"-
She gave me the standard "NOOOOOOO" when I asked her if she wanted some. When I finally got Campbell to taste it, she couldn't get enough. She insisted on eating it with a huge serving spoon and challenged Papa when he was about to clean up the rest. Campbell was a huge fan!!!
Food tastes better if you eat it standing up. |
We wrapped things up with a trip to the Aquarium or "Mequarium" as Campbell calls it.
It's her favorite place to go and she's been wanting to take Papa there for some time.