God is in CONTROL

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Wedding Weekend -- Dr. and Mrs. Marshall and Katie Bell



The kids had made so many special plans and now it was becoming a reality. They took such great care of  EVERY one and worked hard to make certain we all had everything we needed!


We’d all waited so long – the weekend was finally here – and what a beautiful celebration it was! The place they chose was like the Garden of Eden -- the weather was gorgeous -- and it was the perfect setting for our two outdoor-loving kids who fish, canoe, ski and snowboard (Katie).

Campbell had been eager for this weekend for months and packed all of her stuffed animals days ahead
Bethany hosted a scrumptious Bridal luncheon on Saturday morning
Katie and sister, Shelly Rodemer - we loved getting to know Katie's family!

Geeta and Erica arrived in time for the luncheon

Saturday evening we all enjoyed fajitas at Amanda Fonda's in old Colorado Springs. (didn't take one picture!)
Katie sporting her Hammetter shirt one last time wedding day morning

Sydney Kate was a trooper the whole weekend and loved being in on the bridesmaids getting ready
Campbell couldn't get enough of being out doors, so much so, that once she went down the aisle with her basket of petals, she promptly emptied them out and headed for the flower bed to dig during the wedding -- she was in Heaven! -- Mommy was mortified!!!!
They picked gorgeous colors for springtime!  Navy and Yellow --

Katie was radiant –

 They kept it small --  family and close friends–Oklahoma guests were about half the crowd - several couple friends came for a weekend getaway.

Marshall and best man, Jerrod Petty -- friends since high school

 Terry was honored to be asked to officiate . . . a job he doesn’t take lightly . . (sorry no pics yet of that -- we were all "busy" at the ceremony :-)

Campbell and Sydney got to spend lots of quality time with Grandad and Grammy Good -- such wonderful family we're blessed with!
Our good friends, Dallas Cooper and Geeta Silas accompanied us and it was so delightful sharing this time with them.  They were so helpful in holding babies and soothing anxious little ones

 Special memories . . .

Campbell Hope – dancing the night away 

  . . 

Grandma Jeanette from Milwaukee and Marshall sharing a dance

There's no pics of T & me in this blog(except for the one below) --and these are not the most inclusive of our pictures, by any means -- just a few of our favorites -- when the photographer finishes her edits -- the rest is yet to come! 

The girls started reacting to whatever was blooming in the mountains -- Sydney Kate kept up the grins the whole time!!!  LOVE YA - SK!
This was Marshall's fav post wedding pic -- he said that's the way he felt!

Sunday, April 7, 2013


Campbell has the perfect
knack for quieting Sister Syd --
Sometimes she sings her Lullaby song which goes

"lullaby, lullaby, lullaby" --
to which Sydney promptly gets still.

C looked up at Mom and said,
"Aren't I the lucky one?"


               ... . . .  they are my do-over day -- when we get a fresh start -- a clean slate -- a new week and a new heart --

Sundays do that for me --

 family worship . . .

                 I love watching Campbell Hope singing with her Papa  and Sydney Kate chilling on her Daddy's lap taking it all in.

                  Today picking up Campbell from Sunday School for her Mommy she was stomping and singing  "If you're happy and you know it" -- well you know the rest!  Later when Bethany asked her what she learned in Sunday school she answered "mustaches"

 -- "Yep", she said "and M & M's and Jesus" -- It turned out those M & M's were Oreos and her teacher commented the Oreos made a mustache on her mouth. She LOVES her sweets and her Bible stories!

Sundays are about
                                  Praise and Worship time
..                                                        weekly communion ...
                                                                remembering Jesus .......

                                                                        That  puts my life back in the right perspective.

You know the verse that talks about people not being together in weekly worship saying that many had become ill or fallen asleep ---

I KNOW what happens to ME inwardly when I'm not in that special place on Sundays -- maybe I don't get physically ill --- but my attitude can sure get an attack of the "crabbies"  --  it's like small things become the MAIN thing -- instead of loving other people in their walk with Jesus

I like to think of it as celebrating the Resurrection each and every week -- NEW LIFE -- It brings Creation ENERGY to my week ----

I can live off Sundays for a looooooong time. . .

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