We have a nativity set that was given to us when we were on
a trip to Israel in 1998 – it is hand-carved and made of olive wood –
very special to us indeed –
This set is a favorite with all the little ones who come to
visit and I even use it teaching Sunday school classes. Kids who visit always love taking Baby Jesus
out of the manger –
Campbell Hope dearly loves this nativity set and Baby Jesus is her favorite piece. Every time she comes over she takes him for “walks around the house” and so we
find Jesus everywhere. After she leaves,I get a little
obsessed about looking for Him – because what’s a crèche without Jesus????
Last Sunday morning
Campbell and I were retelling the story before church services and she decided
that he needed to meet the mommy and daddy sheep and their lambs – when I told
her that Jesus was placed in the animal feeding trough – she wanted Him out and lined up
all the animals so they could eat from their food bin since she was certain they were
Aren't we glad Jesus wasn't meant to stay in the manger?
. . . and don't we find ourselves looking for Jesus in all our circumstances?
This verse in my morning quiet time this week says it best . . .
So dear brothers and sisters who belong to God and are bound for Heaven, think about this -JESUS!