God is in CONTROL

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

My favorite definition of love by children is one that I have used in my high school relationship units for years.  A little girl said :"love is what's in the room at Christmas -- you have to just be quiet and listen".  We had a wonderful holiday and though it was just a few days -- we packed in a lot of loving and laughing.
Campbell loved having both sets of grandparents and her Uncle Marshall and Aunt Katie in the same room. She was in high gear the whole time- telling Marshall that Aunt Katie was her favorite.

Sydney in her Christmas jammies wasn't too sure what was going on
Christmas Eve reading "Twas the Night. . . "with Mommy and Daddy

 In keeping with family tradition, Bethany and her daddy made their chocolate pecan pie together.
Campbell got to join in for her first time while Grammy supervised.

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

I can't bear the stories of the children at Sandy Hook -- I can't even look at their pictures -- In no way can I imagine what it is to know that your child faced such a horrible massacre and then have to wait hours to identify their tiny bodies. 
As this week that tiny town holds one funeral after another, pray for the mommies and daddies and sisters and brothers and grandparents and aunts and uncles. Please Lord, as you are holding these precious babies in your arms - help their mommies and daddies make it through the next long days and weeks and years.
Comfort  them as only you, the God of all Compassion, can. May they be blessed by a strong community of faith. 

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Sunday as usual . . . we were standing with Campbell during Praise and Worship -- she loves to be up close --to us --and the music -- There she was looking all cutsie --in her cowboy boots and leggins swaying and "dancing" to the music.  She loves coins instead of paper to give to Jesus and I had tucked a few in a little zipper pouch -- I gave them to her as she joined us and she promptly scattered them on the floor.  Closer to communion and time for our giving - I told her to pick them up so she could give them to Jesus -- You can always tell when C is thinking something through -- She'd been living the story of His birth all week -- this seemed like a pretty good option to give him a gift --but -- she didn't see Him anywhere.  She looked up puzzled and asked "Where IS Jesus?" 
My Nana theological response was -- in Heaven with God-- and in your Heart-- how much more confusing could I make it????  
Of course her next question was "Where's GOD?" -- "Is He with Mary?"  

She's got all the principals in the birth story -- she didn't ask about Joseph whom for some reason she calls "Baby Jaguar".  
As her thoughts develop into stories, Papa and I are fascinated with the way her mind is developing . 
She always asks the most insightful questions  . . . She gets us back to what is really important and involves us in her creative world of play.
"Except you become as a little child"----

Saturday, December 8, 2012

The house is ready -- our KU Intern party was lots of fun -- enjoying reading everyone's Christmas letters that come in the mail.
Can't wait to love on our Colorado kids --and celebrate this special time together.  --

Oh LORD, you are so good!

Friday, December 7, 2012

Catching UP!

PRAISE!!!  -- Sydney Kate will be 7 weeks old Tuesday -- Thank you Jesus for our healthy, happy girls!

 It's been a busy six weeks of loving on little girls ---these are my favorite pics from Sydney's birth, newborn shots by Carissa, Thanksgiving and some of our "firsts" with Sydney

Sydney's first trip to Church
Wake up Mommy -- it's time to play!

We love our Nanna Pappa time on the weekends!

Christmas Card Photo shoot - Thanksgiving Day!

Thanksgiving Day at the Pond with Papa

Cooking T'Giving together is a sweet tradition!

Saturday, December 1, 2012

Looking for Jesus

We have a nativity set that was given to us when we were on a trip to Israel in 1998 – it is hand-carved and made of olive wood – very special to us indeed – 

This set is a favorite with all the little ones who come to visit and I even use it teaching Sunday school classes.  Kids who visit always love taking Baby Jesus out of the manger –

Campbell Hope dearly loves this nativity set and  Baby Jesus  is her favorite piece.  Every time she comes over she takes  him for “walks around the house” and so we find Jesus everywhere.  After she leaves,I get a little obsessed about looking for Him – because what’s a crèche without Jesus????

Last Sunday  morning Campbell and I were retelling the story before church services and she decided that he needed to meet the mommy and daddy sheep and their lambs – when I told her that Jesus was placed in the animal feeding trough – she wanted Him out and lined up all the animals so they could eat from their food bin since she was certain they were hungry.

Aren't we glad Jesus wasn't meant to stay in the manger?  

                     . . . and don't we find ourselves looking for Jesus in all our circumstances? 

This verse in my morning quiet time this week says it best . . .

So dear brothers and sisters who belong to God and are bound for Heaven, think about this -JESUS!

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