God is in CONTROL

Wednesday, September 19, 2012


that have impacted me recently . ...

Crazy Love -- by Francis Chen -- started it on Spring Break -- It's a must read! (proabably more than once) 'Makes you want to truly live the focused -- single-minded -- devoted-to-Christ  life.'Got it from one of my Youth Alive Girls - Last year my YA kids couldn't say enough good about it.   

Miracle on Southwest Boulevard -- by Cindy Hamm (she spoke at our opening convocation for the school year) -- really helped me gain nsight into KU families and educational struggles our kids have to overcome.

Prisoner in the Third Cell  I love it because we were handed it from one of our teens, Charity.

             I never thought much about John the Baptist, except for the fact, from what I read, he seemed to be a sort of strange, maybe wild-looking man who ate weird stuff. Then,a few years ago in a Beth Moore Bible study she mentioned the book, "The Prisoner in the Third Cell"and put forth some interesting observations about John that gave a glimpse of what he might have been thinking sitting in that dank, probably moldy and rat-infested cell.

That verse in Luke 7 where Jesus says, "Blessed are those who are not offended because of me" -- often made me wonder what Jesus could possibly mean . . . "

I love the way the writer in this short Biblical novel -- deals with the issues of Jesus not meeting our expectations --not healing all our ills -- or handing over EVERYTHING we've asked of HIM.  so that HIS eternal purpose could be accomplished.

Sunday, September 16, 2012

"Except You Become as Little Children" . . .Pretty Sure That When We See Jesus, We'll Be Doing The Same

This has to be my favorite of the month! Watching Campbell this morning made me remember the verse . .. "Out of the mouths (and feet?) of infants HE has ordained praise."
It was one of those Sunday mornings that could go either way --I wanted this lesson to be something that would help kids see Jesus
in a more profound way.

 I felt I was "on to something" with my Sunday school lesson plan -- but it was one of those texts from John 7 & 8 that I thought to myself, "why did we write this one into our curriculum plan-- there wasn't a lot of ACTION that this age kids enjoy ?"  

I prayed about it on Saturday morning as I waited in the parking lot for Bethany and Campbell to join me for donuts and shopping. 

Those two chapters are filled with Jesus teaching and the people being clueless as to who HE really is -- duh --- the SON of God -- can't you people see?  But as I read over the text I decided to highlight all their questions -- and being the analytical type -- I thought I'd see if there was any real pattern to their line of questioning.  I cut out the questions for the kids --  put together a lesson plan Sat.night 

Sunday morning -- I told my "Super Kids" -- 4th and 5th graders to imagine that we were visited by a creature from another planet -- what kinds of questions would we ask of him (her)? The Jews questions were a lot like we'd ask today of someone who didn't seem to be one of us.

                          "Where'd you come from?"
           " How'd you get so smart -- you never went to college?"
"You're from a po-dunk place -- how could you be the son of God?"
                            "Who's your Daddy?
            "Are you paranoid -- you say people are trying to kill you?

I told them for every question Jesus always came back with the truth and told them it was what he heard from his Dad.
We read our key verse, "You shall know the truth and the TRUTH shall make you free" and followed it with a game of Truth or Dare which they loved.

I reminded them that we knew the whole story of Jesus -- that those folks back then didn't know the story line -- and said when OUR story unfolds in Heaven what questions do you want to ask Jesus?

This bunch of super kids gave such deep questions: 
            "How is it you always were?"
                       Did you have your power when you were a baby?
                                 Why don't people believe you?
                                           How did those people write the Bible? 

It was a Sunday morning that I knew was from God's mouth to their ears and I got to be there to watch it unfold -- 

Saturday, September 15, 2012

Catching Up --

It's been a MONTH - and I do want to post my fav's!

It's Saturday night and Campbell is still singing in her crib -- we've heard several stanzas of Twinkle and lots of chattering to her babies.
When she heard she got to come to our house for a slumber party she clapped her hands excitedly and asked if there was going to be cake! (I guess she figured all her parties have cake . . .) 

Dance Class-- didn't prove as exciting as her Dance Parties with Papa and Daddy.

 Every time we're with her and look into that precious little face and see the intensity of those bright eyes and beautiful little smile we remember what a miracle she is.

Katie and Jan came for girls' weekend on Labor Day -- C was thrilled and
 loved bridal gown shopping with Aunt Katie!!

A Whole Lot of Lovin' and Learnin'

Wrap-up session this past week

The kids found that KU without our TCC Interns is no fun at all!   Our kids LOOOOVE making new friends each semester with those who sign up to mentor, lead and teach our kids.  This semester we have 14 AWESOME INTERNS and we believe it's going to be our best session yet!!!  This past Thursday, it was one-to-one ratio of Kids/interns which meant for lots of positive interaction and growth.

Our theme for this session is 'OPERATION SMART START' as we approached the upcoming school year.
We have talked with them about getting a good night's sleep and starting their day with the right choices for breakfast.  We gave them ideas on how to study for a test and above all how to communicate respectfully and clearly with their family, friends and teachers.

They are now bringing their vocab words, homework and even try out speeches for Student Council elections to practice with our interns.  (GO -- Aunjane!!)   We have several education and child development majors that are helping our kids realize success.  Our motto:  Every KU kid should have a FANTASTIC FRIDAY after being with us on Thursday night!

They get to work out their wiggles with fun relay games that the guys coach.
Mikey making his own ice cream

Kale Chips turned out to be pretty tasty!

Terry says that back at TCC on Monday the interns share how much fun they are having with our KU kids.

Each week the kids earn KU "Bucks" by listening well and following instructions to apply t towards
 their KU T-shirt that they
helped design.

And of course -- there's always our Nutrition Lab!  Don't know who loves it more -- the kids or the interns

We remind them that we're about growing as Jesus grew -- in wisdom (academically) -- in stature (physically) in favor with God (Spiritually) and man (socially).  Luke 2:52

God is blessing--  As the Kids are growing -- so is this effort!

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