God is in CONTROL

Monday, June 18, 2012

We are in Birthday / Father's Day Season at our house -- I can manage to stretch mine for at least a week and yesterday our precious little lady turned 2!!! We celebrated with the two other young families -- which made a pool-full of six of the most delightful kids and their mommies and daddies.  Campbell floated around grinning the whole time totally enjoying herself -- that is until they all circled up for cake and started singing "Happy Birthday". When asked what she wanted for her birthday -- her only answer was "mac n' cheese".

Pappa and I are so spoiled -- we love that little chatter she does early in the morning as she's talking to her "babies" in her crib whenever she gets to stay over-- he's the first person she asks for when she wakes up.  By no means do we mind singing "Old Mac Donald" 69 times. . . car trips with her chattering the whole way is a riot.  She's quite the singer and makes anything a microphone pouring her heart into her songs.(i.e. Old Mac Donald, Twinkle Twinkle, Old Mac Donald, ABC Song, Old Mac Donald).
Thursday's attire -- she got to pick her birthday footwear.

 Uncle Marshall got to come town for Father's Day and Campbell's party -- He and her Daddy worked hard to get Campbell's play house together after the party. 

Pappa  thought C needed a garden house!

Saturday, June 9, 2012

Summer KU 2012 is Launched

After our two week break we launched our Summer KU program right on Schedule on Monday morning.

 Out on our trip -- T & I put lesson plans together for the first month and talked about objectives -- there were so many unknowns   -- how many kids? -- how many interns? --Will we have more than we can carefully manage or none?  Plans with Remington never did materialize.  We knew that with God we were going to have to "grow our own"group.

I hardly slept Sunday night wondering how it would go -- but T kept saying we just start small -- and get it going.
I prayed -- "God only send what we can manage right now."

We do want the kids to grow in God this summer while we're about watching our garden grow. Arissa helped create a Rap from  Luke 2:52 the way that Jesus grew. -- 

That's the way we want our KU kids to grow.  .  .  wisdom (academically)  stature (physically with exercise, lots of sunlight and good nutrition from the garden), favor with God (spiritually) and man (social and communication skills as well as conflict resolution).

I was rather "road weary" and my heart was with helping Bethany and Mat on moving day -- but I also wanted to help Terry get KU  off to a good start.

On vacation--there was a verse posted on a former student's FB status that leaped off the page at me --

                                  Before they call I will answer;
          while they are still speaking I will hear. Isa. 65:24

Sunday night it rained and rained -- oh great - -yes our plants needed the rain -- but the garden was MUD on Monday morning.
BUT GOD  is all about working things out ---
That morning we insisted that Campbell go with us as the movers unloaded Bethany and Mat's furniture at their new house. C and Arissa helped us launch KU - Nick, a TCC intern, who is a sociology major and has worked with our Remington kids, came for his first day of orientation and the morning was all about getting things organized.                                                                                                   
Arissa loved being with C and seemed to thrive on being the "star" pupil. One friend joked that by Wednesday she could be the "valedictorian" of her class!
A spelling game with the ipad

Jessica, a child development major from the University of Arkansas, joined us on Wednesday and we planned curriculum and got to garden finally. She's going to be with us MWF and the kids adore her!

Our Thursday night KU swelled to a dozen or so kids and Arissa taught them "tool rules" and kept asking to help with the younger ones.  She's all about being a leader now and learning communication skills.  Two more interns from TCC joined us and we filled up two garden plots. The kids LOVE their kid-size shovels and rakes from our garden grants.

 We grew this week and so did our plants -- Arissa  found two little girls who had just moved to the apartment complex and invited them --  Anjanae, her sister, joined us also.

Yesterday we planted corn and  pumpkins -- we're planning on a BIG pumpkin patch come Fall.   We got to celebrate our first week with a hot dog roast and water spray down!!!  Only our God could have made this week what it was!!!
We are planning Fantastic Fridays to wrap up each week!

Friday, June 8, 2012

What a Week! 7 States -- 3025 miles in 11 days --

We  wrapped up our vacation with wonderful visits with family and making a new friend. Knowing we would be driving  through Wisconsin we contacted Katie's grandmother to see if she could have lunch with us - we were eager to meet her as we've heard so many wonderful things about her.  Jeanette is a fantastic octogenarian (can't believe she's 80 something)  and a delightful hostess -- she wanted to cook for us and after eating fast food and occasional restaurant fare-- her chicken and rice was to die for!!!  
Our visit with her was all too short and  soon it was time to get back on the road and head South to Peoria, IL to visit with my brother Allen, his wife Sandra, her mother  and my niece Chelle and her husband, Michael.  Seeing my brothers, even for such a short time was a high point of my trip. We hit the road early on Saturday morning to the long trek to Tulsa.
A great trip --beautiful sights -- fantastic weather and  and special time connecting with our family. 

Coming home was all the more sweet because we knew that this little lady was on the other end of our 11 hours of driving.

Mat helped Terry quickly unload our car and the kids grilled the most wonderful dinner on Sunday night --

It made it truly


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