God is in CONTROL

Monday, August 15, 2011

Moving on UP

Pressing on to reach the mark of the high calling . . . the Apostle Paul said -- well our little lady had a busy Friday as she discovered she could reach new heights   Bethany heard her in her room talking  to herself and thought she was "reading books" -- but discovered she was "crowing" about her new accomplishment.  
They've decided to celebrate her success and to keep a cautious look-out. 

Campbell has discovered she can also climb in the tub . . . .aren't we glad that our little ones have Angels  who are always talking to God in their behalf?  I'm thinking her's are gonna be doing lots of talking!

Monday, August 8, 2011

Toddler Time in KC

This week I start back to school -- my classroom is still in shambles -- I want to be able get in my room tomorrow or Wednesday -- and am HOPEFUL that the AC is working and that all the dust and grime will be cleaned up before I try to unpack all the boxes and find my furniture.

Where did the summer go???  

The older wedding guests loved having a cardiologist as the second shooter
Right before school opens, Terry and I always try to work in a few days away.  This year it was a workcation  for Terry (to use Bethany's phrase).  We got to spend four days with our kids.  Spoiling Campbell  and giving her folks a bit of a break were the two main objectives of our getaway. 

We found out that to keep her alive and well while her mommy and daddy were away Saturday "shooting" Bethany's first gig as Wedding Photographer,  it helped a great deal to think like a 14-month old.  

After we got into her head -- things went pretty easy.

Campbell's view of things:

1.  If somebody in the room is eating -- they automatically want to share it with me.

2.  Raising my right arm and pointing in the general direction of something I want starts a guessing game of them trying to figure out what I need and usually gets me more than I even wanted.

3.  They finally figured it out --swinging my arm from left to right or batting something away means I don't want it!

4.  Approaching these two with my arms up and tapping their legs gets me extra cuddling and lets me see what's going on up high.

5.  Screaming loudly from my crib and reaching between the bars like a teary gal in jail for a nap when I toss out "Mr. Duckie" gets a quick response because they hate to see me cry.

6.  Wagon rides are something grandparents like to give you if you're having a rough day -- just sit in back and act like you are the "Queen Bee" and they'll take you further.

7. Nana and Papa will read "Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See?" ten times or more since they never get to read that book in Tulsa.

8.  Talking to myself with all my jabbers and jibbers keeps them making those funny faces.

9.  If you say the word "Go" -- I automatically get energized, despite how tired I am.

10.  Just like my Nana and Great- Nonni  -- I love to people watch, especially kids -- just put me in a crowd and I'm a happy girl!

Now to get into the heads of my High School Juniors and Seniors ~ 

When the pump is dry --it's time to prime it.

It's been a summer of renewal. I was not only worn out at the end of the school year -- I was dry . . . I had trouble putting six words together to finish a sentence or complete a thought.

I've always heard, "a change is as good as a rest"  Well, this summer I tried both.

I've cleaned closets and our house more thoroughly than I usually do, read three books and picked up a Beth Moore study I'd started two summers ago -- time drinking from the true Water  always helps to end my personal drought.

T & I have talked about how many relationships God has reconnected us to these past four months.  What a blessing -- enjoying  family, old friends from ministry and getting to spend more time with our kids.

As some of my posts have indicated,.I have walked down memory lane pretty far this summer as I sorted everything from the past 60 years in the attic and closets--   Enough of the past -- I'm ready for the new future God is opening up for us as our Church family moves into our new home in a couple of months.

I have had some impressions I heard in my mind so strongly this summer --I believe they were God-given --  
                              they're right from His Word:

He who began a good work in you, will carry it on to completion
Those who wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength.

One of my special Super Kids, Luke McGlothlin, recommended "Heaven Is For Real" by Todd Burpo to me this Spring-- telling me his favorite parts of the book. With extra time this past week, I finally decided to "Kindle" it to my iphone.  It was an impressionable read.

My favorite lines from the book: 
his continued stressing to his parents:



Jesus says if you come to Heaven you get a new body!!!  WHEW!!!



Something I've prayed is -- Lord help me live my life in such a real way that people are hungry for you!

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