I so love the regeneration and resurgence of life that comes in Spring --- I've said that a lot here lately in various ways . . .
I love lambs -- especially this time of year --if we were sheep herders we'd know it is lambing season----
This year I wanted Campbell to have a stuffed lamb -- because I LOVE lambs --- they remind me . . .
It's Passover and it's --
It's time for Celebration of the Resurrection
-- you can't do either without a lamb!!!!
In the days of Moses, Passover was celebrated with the sacrificing of the family's best, blemish-free, less than a year old -- lamb
later . . .
John announced Jesus with the words,
"Behold the Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world!"
. . . . sheep stink.
. . . sheep can be dumb and defenseless . . hmmmm . . . . sound like they're needing a
good Shepherd.
but why a lamb? . . .
Where does this all fit into the Redemption story??? How can the Shepherd of our souls ... also be called the pure spotless Lamb, laid down for us???
That's what I like about HIS story -- HE gets in the middle of it with us -- showing us HE knows what it's like to be us . . . and going one
further -- making the way for us -- by taking on our sins -- as the LAMB SACRIFICE..and the only thing we have to do is: