God is in CONTROL

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Dora -- no I mean--- Campbell, the Explorer

Now that Campbell Hope can get anywhere she chooses,  - she has begun exploring . . .  and found you can get your own snacks by rifling through the diaper bag. 

Campbell now knows  that when Momma puts you down for a nap -- there lots to do instead! 

She has emptied the little shelf at the head of her bed, by taking the
objects off it and putting them in her crib . .. .

Sunday she discovered that there's a whole big world outside her nursery by pulling herself to have a "look see" and stood for an hour -- not knowing how to set herself down and fall asleep.  She decided to yell for Mom.
Even busy little girls have to take a nap sometime.  She finally gives it up after sitting it out for quite awhile

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Guess who's crawling now???  I got this video clip yesterday morn at school:

AND -----Guess who's momma is frantically childproofing EVERYTHING?

C's also trying to give up her bows!  Once she said the word, that was all out declaration of her intention to stop wearing them!  She promptly yanked it off her head.

Momma will get over it.

'Seems she is developing her own sense of fashion . . .

I so love the regeneration and resurgence of life that comes in Spring --- I've said that a lot here lately in various ways . . .

  I love lambs -- especially this time of year --if we were sheep herders we'd know it is lambing season----
This year I wanted  Campbell to have a stuffed lamb -- because I LOVE lambs --- they remind me  . . .

It's Passover and it's -- 

It's time for Celebration of the Resurrection

-- you can't do either without a lamb!!!!

In the days of Moses, Passover was celebrated with the sacrificing of the family's best, blemish-free, less than a year old -- lamb
            later . . .

John announced Jesus with the words,

"Behold the Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world!"


. . . . sheep stink.

   . . . sheep can be dumb and defenseless . .  hmmmm . . . . sound like they're needing a good Shepherd.

 but why a lamb?  . . . 

Where does this all fit into the Redemption story???   How can the Shepherd of our souls ... also be called the pure spotless Lamb, laid down for us???

That's what I like about HIS story -- HE gets in the middle of it with us -- showing us HE knows what it's like to be us . . . and going one further -- making the way for us -- by taking on our sins -- as the LAMB SACRIFICE..and the only thing we have to do is:

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Our Good Girls Came to Town!

We captured Papa for our getaway to Hideaway Pizza  Friday Night

 Bethany and Campbell Hope arrived on Wednesday and we had a glorious  time getting to babysit and be Nana and Papa.  It didn't take any time at all for her to make up with us and we loved her squeals of delight when we would come near.  She is absolutely a monkey and  clearly loves people -- children especially.  She waits to catch someone's eye and shows her toothless grin -- at that she's "got ya!"  Bethany said people will stop in the grocery store after getting a Campbell smile and tell her that she gave them something they truly needed that day!   That's what our girls did for us!

Nana's gonna teach this girl to sew. . .

It was just last Spring Break that I was sewing feverishly for Campbell Hope's nursery and just 12 months later what a miracle we have received!!!!
I got to   sew ruffles and girlie tops for our little sweetie!

Playing with Momma's first Christmas toy!
Checking out Momma and Uncle Marshall's toys

Campbell is all about giving the "high five"!
Practicing crawling by working out on the stairs

She is really into feeding herself

She even recognized Nanna in her book "Brown Bear, Brown Bear"!

Teething on her favorite thing -- the remote!
C and her Papa are big buddies

Prettiest flower in our garden

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Life is Good!

Now that Campbell Hope is down from the high elevation of Vail and back in Denver at her Grammy and Granddad Good's house,  Bethany says she's so much more relaxed. Evidentally, the altitude set off a lot of ear pain for our little lady and she had melt downs traveling through the mountains both ways.  At this point, she seems quite content making her music!

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

They've all done a great job keeping their Dad and I in the loop with lots of pics of their Ski Week in Vail
Snoozin' in Downtown Vail

These two look ready for some serious skiing. . .
Scanning the ipad for Baby updates!
Uncle Marshall, Read me a story. . . .

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Colorado Bound!

Waiting to board at KC airport . . .
Every time we get an airport pic of this child she has this thrilled look on her face -- Campbell's already quite the traveler and her mommy and daddy say she loves the whole process -- endures safety clearance -- loves the flight and coos and goos the whole trip -- grinning at all the other passengers!  'Wish travel were that easy on the rest of us.

The kids are getting together for some "end of winter / bring on Spring" skiing --Katie txt'd yesterday to say how much she'll miss us.  Ooooooh how we'd love to be there in the middle of all their stories and the teasing I guess this trip we'll have to experience vicariously through their pictures-

So glad that Jim and Jan, Mat's folks will be able to spend the weekend with them-- Bethany's gonna be relaxing with Baby C at the lodge--  Mat & Marshall love the black slopes -- Katie loves to snowboard  -- Be safe --Don't forget to wear a helmet! -- you've got a lot riding on those two skinny boards you call skis.

Spring's re-creation . . . our renewal

This was an e-post I read this morn from "Meet Me in the Meadow" I liked it so much and think it is worth the re-post:

There will always be a grace that is sufficient;  
a mercy that endures; 
an atoning blood that cleanses; 
a hope that doesn’t disappoint; 
a love that never fails; 
a purpose that works all things together for the good;
a peace that passes understanding;
a joy unspeakable
a kingdom unshakable; 
a foundation indestructible; 
a High Priest who prays;
a Savior who lives;
a Spirit who comforts;
a Father who cares.
 Roy Lessin

Isn't that what the re-birth of Spring  is really all about -- reminding us that under the shifting surface of the present situations these concepts are the bedrock foundation stones on which we build our lives?

Therefore, we who have fled to Him for refuge can have great confidence as we hold to the hope that lies before us .This hope is a strong and trustworthy anchor for our souls. Hebrews 6:18-19 NLT

or my favorite for uncertainty: 

He was there before any of it came into existence and holds it all together right up to this moment. Col. 1:17  The Message

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