God is in CONTROL

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Twas the Night Before Christmas and Through the Bell House

Here we are pre-Christmas Eve Scourge!
The guests were dropping like flies
with the Stomach bug "Louse"

The gourmet meals were quickly replaced
With soda crackers, broth and gatorade.
While throughout the brightly lit rooms
Sprawled on couches all my company laid.

In a stupor they watched the games on tv
 And packages were abandoned under the tree.

I had been dreaming and planning for the Perfect Christmas. You know, the ones on the Hallmark cards--- All my loved ones were coming HERE for Christmas --- the first time we would be together in Tulsa on Christmas Day since about 2004!!!
Bethany, her mother-in-law, Jan and I had coordinated our meals -- Jan  had sent her favorite recipes ahead so we could have ingredients on hand -- it was going to be a culinary feast all weekend!!!!  I had shopped for just the right brisket -- Jan had sent a wonderful ham and carrot cake and there was Terry and Bethany's traditional fudge pecan pie to prepare and cranberry chutney chilling in the fridge --

Terry had perfected his sermons for Christmas Eve and Christmas Day -- we had prayed over the entire weekend.

First Terry, -- having to leave the very BRIEF Christmas eve service and in about 30 minutes me -- I begged off dinner and asked Bethany to carry the ball to keep our Christmas Eve dinner going while I went to bed  --  

Marshall and Bethany brought us trash cans, wet rags, tonic water and pepto bismol -- Mat's parents came down with it in their hotel about 4 hours later and Marshall 2 hours after that and Katie soon after. Everyone said they didn't remember when they'd been so sick.
Our kids set a place for us since we couldn't get out of bed

BUMMER FOR BETHANY, MAT AND CAMPBELL -- this Christmas was going to be the BIG ONE for Campbell Hope!   

BUT --
We all know each other a little better now and are sharing war stories of who was sickest.  We don't have many pictures to post of our holiday, past Saturday morning when we all went to the Philbrook for our Big ORANGE Holiday photo session.

Every time Katie comes to Tulsa something major happens.  In August it was 100+ days, In November it was earthquakes and this holiday we shared the "bug" with her!

Hmmm . . .
how many times had I said on Friday, "I don't want you all to feel stuffed this holiday -- the meals are prepared for us to simply enjoy -- but don't make yourself miserable with all the eating!"

... Wonder why at the last minute before everyone arrived on Friday I had Terry scrub out all the trash cans with bleach. 

FINALLY,  last night we were able to make it to the table again -- our first time since Friday night to enjoy Marshall's wonderful smoked brisket.
Our beautiful photographer doubled as our hostess for this holiday

 YET . . .

I am very thankful --
that we all got 3 1/2 days together -- taking care of each other -- giving each other grace.
That we're all on the mend.
 That we got to enjoy our Campbell Hope. 

That 3 of us stayed well -- that Campbell didn't have a relapse.

That all seven are already home safe.

Thankful for the cherished gifts -- that our kids sacrificed and saved for:
that wonderful all-guy-fishing trip for Terry late next summer
my much needed cutlery and wonderful new gourmet stock pot
lots of fun stocking stuffer.

This holiday there was lots of grace given and love shared as we wiped each others heads and passed the broth and gatorade.

We prayed for a different holiday -- this is what we were given and I believe HE knew what HE was doing.  Today as I'm regaining some of my strength and washing up all the bedding -- I am tempted to wish for more -- but then I was reminded in a very powerful way--

For one of my friends -- she was told this would be her last Christmas.  It all took on a new perspective.

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Christmas Confessions

Terry and I have decided we aren't buying for each other this year -- except for a back up camera for our new car. Terry insisted that it is a MUST  (After the incident when I all but ran over him when he was checking the mail and I was backing our car out of the garage headed somewhere nearly clipping him.  He asked did I see him -- truth was I didn't check--- AND it didn't help that there was a news article about a woman in town a couple of weeks ago who ran her husband over and said she thought she had hit the rake and kept on backing. . . . hmmm wonder if they're still together this Christmas?)  
ANYWAY -- the back up video camera made it to the top of our Christmas list.
We both have done a little of our own Christmas shopping though -- I got him a couple of things -- he got himself a new shirt he wanted and I checked off my new Black Friday bargain watch I got on  as my Christmas and a darling little girl chair at the antique store that was a REAL STEAL -- yep, called that my Christmas, too!!!  
 THEN, the other day I decided I'd also buy me a couple of new songs on itunes since my old downloads have worn a permanent groove in the right side of my brain.
I found a great new song by Gwen Smith in my morning quiet edevotional -"Girlfriends in God".  It's called 'Uncluttered" and it has my name written all over it -- being such a project-driven -- task oriented person -- it is me -- even to the part of cleaning out the closets (my life-long task)!!!  Look it up on itunes and listen -- you'll see what I mean.

The one I have to play several times a week, I found one morning on the way to school.  It's a Building 429 song called, "Where I Belong".   I was in one of those moods, wishing I was heading anywhere but school -- thinking that dealing with a class of 17 - 18yr. olds who are so antsy to graduate is certainly not what mission God has for me -- (I've since repented and seen the light on that one).  But this song lifted my spirits -- surged new life in me and got me back on track. 

Yes, it's going to be a wonderful Holiday --I'm getting what I really wanted this Christmas, all my family here in Tulsa -- what more could a Mom ask for???

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Light of the World, He Stepped Out into Darkness . . .

are the words to one of my favorite songs.  . . . and something I heard as I drove to school this week -- "unless you let him love you, you've missed the whole point of Christmas." personalized the message for me.

I've experienced Him loving me  this season as He gave me some presents uniquely mine.  One was Bethany telling us about Campbell finishing their bedtime prayers with a hearty "AMEN" --  they didn't know she knew the word when she piped up in full volume.  The peeked at her and saw her folding her hands. Precious!
Seeing her grow so beautifully is another gift . . .

C's play group delivered Christmas cards they made to the nursing home -- aaaah precious!
We go to all the pageants, we read the Christmas story to our children -- and the whole liturgy of advent centers around The Story.
This year I broke the story apart as I taught my Super Kids in Sunday school ...  there were four angel visits, three sets of travelers, two major miracles - with two very unlikely pregnancies, two stunned daddies and two beautiful babies born with their names chosen by someone other than their parents, and a significant cast of animals in this story.  I even made it into a Bible game to help them remember.  But did the people living at that time even have a clue what was taking place?  .  As always and typical of me,  I have a few questions. . .
What were the angels in Heaven thinking as they saw this unfold?  We know the words that the angels out in the field were singing . . . but what did they experience from the heavenlies?  How they must have missed Him those years He was here with us. . . or did His omnipresence keep Him there with them and here with us?
Did anything seem unusual to the Innkeeper the next morning?  Did he have a clue that God had been born out back in his barn?  That he had God with him in that feeding trough?

When the Wise Men left the house after visiting Jesus -- did they know they had seen God, come to stay?

The Angel told Mary that He was to be named Emmanuel-- God With Us-- doesn't that bring comfort and light to your world?    Doesn't that pierce your darkness.  God come to stay -- not just visit.

The earth-shaking miracle of this whole event was that for the first time -- EVERYONE would have Him up close and personal --LIVING in them.  The Old Testament heroes (prophets, high priests, and special patriarchs) had their one-on-one encounters with the Omniscient One from time to time.  Moses got close enough to see God's back and then his face shone for many days -- but in this one instance HE brought HIMSELF to ALL OF US.  The world was pretty dark and bleak at that time after 400 years of silence from the prophets ... They needed the LIGHT.

Our 24-hour news coverage bombards us with stories of  heinous crimes against children as well as the neglect caused by drugs and substance abuse. We see our country becoming less and less a nation founded on faith in God and more and more a materialistic, secular and capitalistic country.  The light is being obscured by the darkness that is increasing.

Nathan, one of my Youth Alive leaders made powerful illustration of that Thurs at our Youth Alive lunch in my classroom.

My room has no windows and it is pitch black when you flip the switch.
He lit a few large candles to keep people safe and enable them to find their food - and handed everyone a birthday candle.  One-by-one the room illuminated into a beautiful glow as approximately 100 students touched their candle to a surrounding one.  He said that as we bring our light -- the fire that God has lit in us -- alongside someone else's -- we create a much brighter glow -- when our's dims -- or even goes out momentarily- our friend helps it to flame again.. .and interestingly, the more of HIS light we have -- the more clearly we see each other.
As they all blew out the candles in the room and we sat in bleak, total darkness -- it was a powerful example of what we would be without HIS LIGHT.
For God, who said, “Let light shine out of darkness,” made his light shine in our hearts to give us the light of the knowledge of God’s glory displayed in the face of Christ.  2 Cor. 4:6

Friday, December 16, 2011

The Show Must Go On!!!

Where has the week gone?  No, where has the month gone?  Wasn't it just Thanksgiving???  School has kept me really busy -- this is the first year in a LONG time I won't be in charge of the children's Christmas presentation.  God sent the wonderful Whittens to our church family and Brenda has let HIM work wonders through her ministry to our Life Park kids.  So, for me, there were no costumes to finish, practices to orchestrate or banners to finish at the last minute.
This year's shepherds -- and all I had to do was oversee my Super Kids
 But school has been exceptionally busy.  I thought we might be dismissing the idea of a mock wedding in my Marriage and Family Life classes since my friend is closing her Bridal shop --and Terry wouldn't be able to come and officiate. I had tried to keep this wedding away from the holidays and here it was Christmas again -- NO WAY- the students wouldn't hear of scrapping the wedding idea -- and some even said --"that's why I signed up for this class."
Two girls went on line to get "licensed" to conduct the wedding ceremony.  

The gals in my two classes rescued the plan.  During one class period, they had it all planned with people stepping up to loan dresses, decorate from the tubs of decorator pieces we have and of course offers to bake and decorate.  . 
Again this year the kids converted a MESSY abandoned classroom  into a brightly lit bridal chapel.  They even used the back drops from a recent school production of "SHREK' to enhance the dreamy effect. High school students on a mission are so resourceful!
The music department offered their tuxes once again for my guys

It wasn't just one but TWO weddings on two different days -I have to admit -- it was probably the most relaxed I have been all the years we've been holding our weddings -- the students had it all under control. ( I did almost "freak out"  when one class just took over the cake decorating and said they knew what they were doing -- as I saw the first stage of their project -- I struggled to keep from taking back the project --

(One young woman had had three different classes in cake decorating and was helping them try things out on the cake and guiding the process -- way to go Morgan!)  They completed it during their lunch period and it was the prettiest cake we've  ever had!  NOTE: Icing does cover a multitude of mistakes,  LOL
Yes, the students insisted the "show" must go on, and it did -- in rare and relaxed form!

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

God of the Simple

 I came across a Women of Faith forward yesterday that posed a question:  "What if Mary had said 'NO'?  She was busy planning her wedding -- what if she'd said -- 'Not now'?
It got me to thinking -- how very different our world might have been today."

I have included part of today's script from "Girlfriends in God" because I feel it brings the heart of the Christmas text to my very doorstep. Our house is draped in Christmas lights -- We look like a used car lot -- and I still have more to put up.   I love the concept of Jesus as the LIGHT  -- Here's my favorite from today's devotional.

I simply cannot imagine a world without the presence of God and yet I often live my life as if He does not exist. A crisis hits, and I try to handle it on my own. I don't understand the trials in my life while those who could care less about God seem to prosper. Instead of reaching out to Him, I withdraw into the darkness. Financial stress fuels worry. Instead of turning to God, I rely on what I can see and understand. I settle.
When I do cry out to God, He lovingly fills each dark corner with Light. His love flows over the pain like soothing balm and once again, I experience the manger. Once again, Jesus Christ steps into the smelly, unlikely and very ordinary existence that is mine to change everything - absolutely everything!
Jesus could have come to us in many ways. The simplicity of His birth is extraordinary and sometimes hard to grasp. Jesus could have been born in a mansion. He was, after all, a King. Instead, He came to a dirty smelly manger and His birth was announced by common shepherds instead of Kings -- the greatest of all miracles in the midst of total simplicity. Today, Jesus still wants to meet us in the midst of our simple daily lives. It seems too easy and too good to be true, doesn't it? 
The very heart of Christmas is Emanuel, God with us - with me - and with you. Christmas is not a date on a calendar. Christmas is a way of life that celebrates the presence of God in the simple, ordinary happenings of daily life: where we go and what we do -- the smile we give the harried stranger or the patience we choose in the crowd of impatient shoppers -- the love that prompts the secret gift or the heart that constantly celebrates His birth through every sparkling light, every beautifully wrapped gift, each special meal, every card, phone call and visit. God is with us - if we choose to make room for Him.
From Girlfriends in God  Nov. 29, 2011

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Thanksgiving 2011

We got to Kansas City Wed. evening  after going the long way by way of Skiatook -- and Claremore -- it took 6 !/2 hours -- To Terry's credit -- the idea to go by way of Skiatook was my idea --noon in Claremore, OK, the day before Thanksgiving, with a train on the track caused all kinds of detours.  Anyway, it seemed like forever because we were both so anxious to see our little princess.  It had been a been a whole month!!!
Papa I can help you grade those 60 papers . . .
Campbell was delighted to see her Pappa She would light up when Terry walked into a room and followed him  everywhere.  With that precious little smile, she would  put her hands up and say "up peese".

Pappa didn't get too much course work done -- because they watched kiddie clips on his computer and sang hippopotamus  songs with Youtube.  She perched herself on the edge of his chair the entire time.  When she tired of it all -- she found a great shoulder to nap on.

These two are inseparable -- C is such a busy little lady ---Momma is right on her trail!
Daddy and I are best buddies -- we're both into technology!  He buys it -- I use it! 

Life is Good!!!!
Nana's Cranberry Salad was my favorite!!
We missed being with Marshall and Katie and Mat's parents-but we're looking forward to all of us being together Christmas.

God is sooooo good -- Thanking Him for family times!

Sunday, November 20, 2011

In preparation for this move into our new church home, I have been teaching our 3rd-5th grade students this fall about the meaning of the Kingdom and the significance of Christ’s Church. Today, was the first Sunday we could actually have a classroom to meet in, though it was our second Sunday  in the building – I took the students outside (never mind the fact that it was 37 degrees).  I wanted them to see that we were living Joshua 1:3 – “Every place you put your feet, you will be on land I have given you”.  
Our  story was  from Joshua 4 – when the Israelites crossed  into their promised land.  My intent was to show them by way of example how that we could erect a memorial like God told the Israelites to build after they crossed through the Jordan River to their promised land. 
Beside the cross that sits adjacent to the entrance we piled our stones and talked about how that we were here to enjoy the blessings of God and be a blessing to give HIS word of hope to everyone we could.  As they shivered and jumped up and down to stay warm, I’m believing they caught the meaning of what we were doing today. 
As I was trying to get my lesson started, I had one young man take off for the huge old oak tree saying he needed to use the bathroom (hmmmm right there on Union Ave)  I quickly reminded him that we used the indoor facilities at this new home – I know God is still grinning over that one.
I promised a hike on a warmer Sunday to see all this wonderful land God has given us so richly.


                                                Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart,
                                                            as working for the Lord,  Col. 3:23

Sunday, November 13, 2011

We're Home

Every place you set your foot you will be on land I have given you.  Joshua 1:3

After  Twelve years and 7 moves all over Tulsa, Life Park Christian Fellowship held it's First Sunday Celebration in our new home at 5700 W. Union Ave.

Saturday it was exhilarating to be leaving the shopping center sanctuary for the last time. We all toted boxes and emptied out the remainder of our collective church "stuff" (Where did we get all this junk?), stashing it in the back portion of the building -- That area we hope to complete in the near future.

As we got to our new facility and discovered it was ready for services today it heightened our excitement.  Many had worked for days cleaning and shining the surfaces to make it ready for this special day. 

Terry and I were awake at the crack of dawn -- eager to welcome this wonderful event.

Those of you who have been with us on this journey remember some of the places we've been -- a converted hardware store, a downtown warehouse, 2 different schools, a beautiful church campus that was gifted to Life Park and the West Highlands Shopping Center -- twice.  We had to continually remember we weren't home yet -- We paralleled this journey we were on with the trek of God's people headed to their promised land with Moses.   At times we wondered if we were going to wander for 40 years like the Israelites.  But God kept moving us forward on HIS schedule. Terry used to say "we are following the cloud -- when it moves, we move.  When God opens doors, we go through them.  When he shuts them, we wait."

I like what Ron Butler White said in his communion message this morning-- "we're not finished"  the work has just begun -- we have a whole world to reach!

I want to give a special tribute to Pastor Cecil Henninger, who all the while he was living on the property to oversee the construction and ensure safety, was continuing to do ministry to people in the neighborhood and the workers at the site.  Cecil -- we couldn't have made it to this point without you!!!   Nobody knows what all you have endured in this undertaking.

Cecil's right-hand praise man! (Grandson, Jaylon)
In Bible class Thomas recently shared his concept of the church as a place where people would be baptized.    

What a day for praise!!!

So many have sacrificed, working so very hard, giving of their time, gifts, talents and energy to get us to this place.  Thank you Dana for the administrative gifts you give to this ministry.


A work of love -a special- thank you to Tim, Brenda & Mat who made the beautiful pastors office possible


Joel's staining makes all these floors look awesome!

Looking out at our 200 yr. old "Life" Tree

Toddler's classroom

Coffee Bar


God is sooooo very good and we are  richly blessed.  Thank you, Father, for bringing us to our new Church home. . . we realize we have another HOME much more splendid that this -- but for the time being --- this one is perfect!!!!

Friday, November 11, 2011

Happy Birthday to My Man

Terry is the one who always says we have to have a week (or month) celebration for my birthday -- but his year -- his actually did span a week.  Marshall and Katie came to town hoping to be here for the Church's First Sunday, but inspections put that off for a few days.  .  . last Sunday they helped him blow out his candles and enjoy his German Chocolate B.Day cake.

Yesterday on his 63rd birthday, we were given the Letter of Occupancy stating that we were now able to move into our new Church home.  As we were enjoying a dinner at Red Lobster ,  I reminded him that God could have done it either on Wednesday or today-- but He made it happen on his birthday.
A dream that Terry had hoped for over a long period of time.  How like God to be in the infinite details to pour out his love and affirmation.

Later that evening his birthday was made complete as we circled with our youth group behind the Church building for a night of praise and saw the most beautiful angelic praise dance in the light of a full moon.

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Hanging with the Washingtons

We've been together three months and had such fun hanging around the table telling stories and getting to know each other.  We've shared our stories, shared our dreams and shared our hearts.  Terry and I believe that God sent this special family into our lives at just this special time.

Today we all did outside chores - closing up the pool, getting the yard ready for winter and James moved the chiminea up closer to the house so we could enjoy it's warmth on these cool fall evenings.  I decided it would be fun if we began our last week together with a hot dog / smores roast.

Sunday, October 30, 2011

I looked back through my most recent blogs and they were all about Campbell Hope.  Only because we have gotten to see her LOTS this Fall!!!  So with a few days off for Fall Break -- guess where we headed!!!

This weekend we got to keep C  overnight while Mommy and Daddy went with their friends to the OSU game.She had changed so much in just a few short days -- she repeats EVERYTHING you say -- and understands it ALL!   Holding her sleeping in my arms at Church this morning -- looking at that those cherub cheeks --- she looked just like her mommy 31 years ago.
While Momma was busy packing, I just boxed myself up for the trip to Tulsa

Campbell figured out this ice chest could get her up to all sorts of places -- I found her standing on it right in front of the stovetop --

Forget my baby doll -- I want to ride in this stroller.
Teaching Papa about Daddy's ipad.

Campbell now helps in the kitchen
She thought the banana muffins needed some help.

We wore her out this weekend and she slept through most of Pappa's sermon

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