God is in CONTROL

Saturday, May 29, 2010


I had been praying for our sabbatical / study leave and asking God what to do and where to go . . . on my way to work one morning I was listening to Chuck Swindoll and he mentioned the Pyramids of Egypt. At that split second the pyramid- shaped sports complex of Memphis flashed in my mind. I thought that's it -- MEMPHIS! I presented the idea to Terry and we both realized it would be a lot of fun to revisit our old "haunts". We made a plan to work and play -- Study and tour the spots we wanted to see.

We took off for "River City" Friday afternoon with phone calls to KC intermitantly during the day to see if Baby Hope was about to make her appearance.

We moved to Memphis in our mid-twenties --we were pre-K (pre-kids)-- Terry still had lots of hair -- mine was dark brown. He was attending Harding Graduate School of Religion. The plan was that I would teach to support us. . . just didn't have a job. Within a couple of day, I heard about a school interviewing for a teacher in a private school for the handicapped. I went for the interview and was hired that day!

We were straight off the plane from India -- we loaded the smallest u-Haul trailer with every possible thing we owned, hitched it to our little Chevy and left Illinois headed for Memphis with the song "Please Come to Boston" blaring on the car radio.(at that point it became one of our favorite song) Our first digs were an apartment at 1582 Stribling. The economy was different then in the mid-seventies. We lived on my $400 a month teaching salary -- rent was $99 -- utitlies were $30 -- AND we made it!!! We shared the complex with other graduate students, widow ladies and alcoholics. Which proved for some interesting block parties.


Visited that apartment complex today -- I think the rent is still about the same -- there were gates up -- windows out and people just hanging around. We wanted to take a picture and a little guy popped out of one of the apartments stuck his head in our car window and said, "is you the pOlice?" We assured JR that no we weren't the police -- he was blocking Terry's camera lens as he told of a guy who got robbed their last night shile I thought, "let's just snap it and drive out as fast as we can"

Those were five good years --
We worked hard --Terry earned two degrees -- I taught at two different schools -- one year in the private school and two years at an all-black junior high school. (Naive -- the teachers discussed me -- I found out later-- and thought I wouldn't last until Thanksgiving). Terry served as a bus minister, taught 8th grade girls Bible class at Harding Academy, was their substitute teacher and weekly chapel speaker, while he studied hard to earn a Master's Degree in Family Counseling and a Doctorate of Ministry in Communications. (He was their first doctoral candidate). Every Spring at this time- he would be coming off a hard semester and me finishing up school-- we looked for somewhere to go to get AWAY from Memphis to refuel and renew!

We attended a church we dearly loved -- he hired on staff as family minister and bus minister-- we lived on the church property in a huge house which we didn't have enough furniture to fill -- and our daschund had the run of the property.

We learned a lot about life during these years -- with Terry's bus ministry work in the projects and me teaching 6 blocks from where Martin Luther King was assasinated. We lost a child in pregnancy --had 3 foster kids during --- and I underwent major surgery to improve our infertility issues.

One of our favorite things to do was walking the different gardens in Memphis: Dixon Gardens, Audubon Botanical Gardens and Overton Park -- Our favorite was Memorial Gardens CEMETARY of all things -- not just any cemetary - This one was owned by the Heinz Ketchup family and always in bloom with the most beautiful flowers. They had this built as a place families could come enjoy a park-like setting with all sorts of outdoor beautiful structures by Dionici Rodriquez, a Mexican architect, including a wonderful Crystal grotto.


We lived there during the time Elvis died and were even among the throngs of people lined up outside Graceland that day. Not being fans of his, I'm not sure why we were there -- the town almost shut down -- people came in from everywhere -- just to be near the mania. Terry was asked to preach Elvis' memorial service on the date of his birthday because his step-mother had previously attended the church where he was the interim preacher.

Wanting to capture all of Memphis, we drove Elvis Presley Blvd to see what has changed since our last visit in 1992 when we brought the kids here.

Gates surrounding Graceland are completely covered with tributes to Elvis

Having taught so near the Lorraine Motel, we revisited the site that changed so many lives.

Now, we're heading North to the Churchill Memorial in Fulton, MO and to KC to check on our kids the "parents-in-waiting!


Only made it as far as Rolla, MO. We liked the accomodations and found Meramac Springs was a "must-see"! We decided Terry could study there quite well so we stayed an extra night. How fun to be off schedule! No 55-minute classes to teach five hours a day --


The Churchill Museum in Fulton, MO, proved impressive! The section of the Berlin Wall was a reminder of the threat that Communisim was to all of us during the 60's and 70's.
We traced our way through the exhibits, reading all the headers and watching all the videos. . .witnessing the loss of so many lives and seeing the influence of this great leader on our own freedom today --wondering where would we have been today if Naziism had not been defeated???

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Another Year -- Goodbye Class of 2010!

The Class of 2010 is on their way and if we'd kept them a second longer I believe they would have imploded. My last class hugged me on the way out the door as I wished them a happy life and told them to remember to make careful choices, (or my usual weekend warning "don't do anything stupid") and them promising to come back to visit.

. . .I wonder what will they become? What significant things will they accomplish? There were those in this group of students who "pushed my buttons", those who caused me to work harder, practicing more patience and those who restored my faith in this generation.

One girl who was in both of my classes came back with something she'd written to me -- there were a few thank you notes some had to write for an English assignment --
a German foreign exchange student who barely said a word the whole year stopped by Tuesday after school to talk and talk and talk -- telling me living in America had brought her out of her shyness -- no kidding.

Students gone, today was teachers day to pack it all away -- seems like a couple of months ago I was unpacking and setting up for the 09-10 term...has it been 10 whole months since I started with my usual -- "I'm here to help you thrive -- not just survive"? -- Lord, may they do just that-- thrive -- make the right choices -- choose the right person -- follow their dreams using the talents You gave them.

Sunday, May 23, 2010

R & R & R - Renewal & Refreshing & Relaxing

Terry and I are taking a much appreciated sabbatical for about 3 weeks and we started this weekend with a short get away to work / relax and wind up my school and get his summer started.

It's weird how just being out of your element can make you stop and take notice of things -- or help you remember what you're really all about.

Yesterday we sat at Lake Hefner in OKC and watched parasailing and later talked about what it would take to get us UP in one of those things now at our age. Remembering a time when TB did some sort of surfing/snorkeling.

Of course we did my favorite -- people watching. I even like to listen in on their conversations.

We found our favorite Indian Restaurant was still open and still serving the best Masala Dosa.

We did a WIFI stop at Panera's to catch up on our e-mails and get a quick green tea fix.
We made a late night run to Borders and just walked through the stacks finding weird and unusual books.
We watched MOVIES -- one of which got interupted and we missed the ending -- bummer -- now we have to rent it. Blindside is a must see -- Avatar -- okay if you're in to that stuff.

We ate the yummiest sandwiches on dark wheat buns at the old Rock Cafe in Stroud, OK

and found our next R & R vehicle parked out front. (Just Kidding) -- Bethany has already said Campbell can't fit in it. Terry has already decided that 3 days with me in a camper that small and we'd both be crazy!!

I'm so looking forward to time with friends this summer. when I'm not living 5 days a week on a lesson plan schedule -- thinking up review and wrap-up questions for the day's activities -- Which brings me to the major highlight of it all -- welcoming our Baby Campbell Hope -- as her momma says, THE SOONER THE BETTER !! Of course, we want her healthy and strong -- so all of us are willing to wait.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Party Season

This has certainly been a celebration week! Today's mock weddings in MFL (Marriage and Family Living) turned out well. It was a very abbreviated ceremony -- 4 minutes max -- The student-turned-pastor talked about Agape love while dressed in his tuxedo and bright white tennis shoes. The other kids couldn't figure out where he learned that big word. Seriously, he did a great job -- both class periods. The girls looked gorgeous and the guys were handsome!

The couple in the first wedding exchanged ring pops and he gave her a peck on the cheek --

The guys in the second wedding rocked in to a song playing from the "groom's" pocket. 'Sort of set the mood for the rest of the ceremony.

The cake they baked was ever so good -- decorating was done by students --

Two of my students who were in the wedding and also are a part of our Thursday Youth Alive Group, planned the greatest senior send-off while they were hanging out after the wedding and eating cake at our "reception". I was so impressed with the discussion they led just two hours later on "what to do when you come off the high of a Great Summer Camp experience"

My Life Skills students broke it all down at the end of the day for a single piece of wedding cake.

It's at times like these that I see my students rise to the occassion -- everyone pitching in to help it all happen. It makes this tired teacher very proud tonight of all 115 of 'em.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010


Yesterday was a day with many different twists, turns and surprises. My lesson plans for the day included Marinelle and I trading classes for three hours while I monitored her students taking their end-of-instruction tests on-line in the computer lab. My other two class periods were to be spent giving a wedding-prep lab.

During the three days before my student's mock wedding, there are so many different jobs to do--- Tuxes to fit in the band office --a least two trips to the bridal shop in Collinsville to outfit brides and bridesmaids --cakes to bake and decorate-- an empty classroom to convert into a wedding chapel and tables to decorate to resemble a real wedding reception.

I was in my own little "Home-Ecky haze", trying to get it all done and was totally clueless as to what is going on just out of sight. I noticed that during two hours Marinelle's class disappeared to the library. They were giving their child development reports in the classroom one minute and all of a sudden they were gone. When I questioned her about it -- she said the library served as a really good place for their presentations. Near the end of the day the principal came in to the computer lab where I was monitoring Marinelle's kids and said he needed me at a meeting in the library right after school.
I had a long list of things to do at 2:30 with taking girls up to All Dolled Up Prom and Bridal in Collinsville. I told him I'd be late as Terry was coming to help my "student-turned-pastor" prepare to preach the wedding ceremony. I knew I shouldn't keep my boss waiting and decided that I'd best hurry -- figuring that since tomorrow is a faculty meeting, maybe he wanted me to prepare something to serve at it.

As I walked into the library I notice Marinelle there -- with several of my teacher friends who yelled "Surprise!"and welcomed me to my Surprise 60th birthday party all done up in Grandma theme!!! (Since my birthday is still almost a month away I was really shocked!

There was an inflatable walker, all sorts of age cuties like fingernail clippers
with a magnifying glass attached, the usual Milk of Magnesia and cranberry juice --

I got grandma things -- like bibs, baby toiletries to keep at Nana's house, and even the cutest little outfit!!!
A big gift was a mattress for the crib that I bought at a garage sale 3 weeks ago!!!!

Marinelle and Linda had carried the theme so well -- even ordering a Merritt's Red Velvet cake! with the exact same polka dots that I'd been sewing for Bethany's nursery. The punch was yummmmmmy good (Fresca and Raspberry sherbet -- 'gotta remember that one!) I am so blessed and appreciate my great friends at work for making this one huge 60TH SURPRISE birthday/ GRANDMA SHOWER!

Sunday, May 9, 2010

What Favorite Mom Memory Do You Have?

We taught Bible Moms to Super Kids in Sunday School today -- explaining that Moms helped us grow to be like Jesus. We shared the verse, "We are the aroma of Christ" and said that Moms help us to be that "aroma".

Eunice and Lois were the ladies we spent most of our class time talking about today.
--both mother and grandmother who taught the Apostle Paul's young mentoree, Timothy. Like a large number of children today, so many of the kids I work with at school are being taught and impressed by the grandparents who are raising them.
These ladies passed on faith to their son and grandson.

Since flowers give off aroma and using the aroma verse-- we potted plants in these cute little baskets and made tissue paper flowers for the handle. With toddlers and primaries it proved to be pretty busy and required all three of us to be hands-on to keep dirt off the floor and flowers in the pot.

I asked them to tell me what sayings they remember their Moms always saying. I went first and told them my Mom always said, "Remember who you are!" (To a kid it sounded like I had some adolescent alzheimers). One little girl said her Mom says, "get out of the garage" another said, "Don't get the dog worked up!" (She has a new puppy)

What do you remember your mother saying?

More than her sayings I would remember what Mom did -- How she'd decorate for every holiday except ground hog day. I can still see her praying for the longest time and getting up early to study her Bible. I remember how she taught preschool for 35 years and worked so hard on preparing her lessons.

Monday, May 3, 2010

Announced by an Angel

It was a special time on Sunday when two of our Super Kids, Tyler and Travis Johnson were baptized in the creek close to the Church building. They had talked about it for some time with their Mom and Dad and then discussed it with Terry. They are so much fun to teach. They're the kind of guys who listen with their heart, as well as their ears, quietly taking it all in. Terry and I have enjoyed watching them grow, appreciating their parent's training.

Little sister, Tiffany has quietly followed in their footsteps and has not really made up with any of us until last week when she decided that Mrs. Katrina was her favorite teacher and that she really did love Sunday school. At that point she decided the rest of us were pretty safe people and open to conversation. Yesterday she walked up to Letha, and said quite proudly,
"My boys are getting abitized today!

(Tiffany at Christmas)

The creek was cold and a bit muddy as our church family stood on the bridge and saw "Tiffany's boys" accept Jesus as their Savior and take that step of baptism, giving their lives to their Lord.

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