Please Lord, let YOUR kids tell YOUR story YOUR way." - I was kind of proud of that prayer -- I thought that covers all the bases and would
surely cover any unforseen problems.
Saturday's rehearshal had come off like a breeze -- Shouldn't be
ANY problems. We'd worked two Sundays and I was going to let the kids use their scripts.
(MEMO to Jan: Next year start earlier -- get more help - you know how crazy the last 5 weeks of school are --)
WELL - I got there early, moved in the props and thought I had it all good to go. 20 children showed up looking beautiful --
then --some kids forgot their scripts -- thanks Fran for running off more.
- the wisemen's headgear was too small (those cool whip cartons turbans had already been slit as much as I could cut them) -- good thing I brought elastic -- we'd just strap them on --
NO WAY I could do that and manage kids -- thanks April --
-----little ones needed costumes -- thanks Jenny
-----Two of my big kids were punching it out and a couple more got rowdy -- then one little one who was fussy from the waiting got an attitude about having to wear the turban. .
An usher came to get me and tell me it was time for me to help with the communion message --
but I had a roomful of restless kids who needed to go over their lines one more time -- ENTER: Letha -- thanks you're a doll to take over --I left in a panic thinking this is never gonna come together -- this was going to be a Christmas presentation they'd
surely remember. I wasn't sure what I was going to say as my part of the communion message -- but surely the Lord would provide! He'd sent these wonderful women to help bail me out at the last minute.
God did provide and I finished my part of the message and went to get the children from their classroom. As I rounded the corner I could see them all lined up posing for a "family group" photo looking beautiful and just like the little cherubchildren they really are. I knew this year's presentation been saved!!!
We filled the back of the sanctuary and Keilah and Tyler started to play
Silent Night on their trumpet / coronet -- it was awesome -- people got teary-eyed as the little ones (wisemen with paper telescopes -- and tiny angel girls) took their places on the stage.
I told Terry, one of my favorites from the whole experience is watching their eyes as they sing give the Christmas story
It's not been THAT long since Kari was one of the little angels! |
They spoke their lines beautifully -- the only one to mess up was me when I almost ended it before their concluding lines.
Wise man deep in thought . . . |
Jaylon enjoyed it much more with Aunt Jennie |
.I reminded the church that just like the wise men who were searching for Jesus, we all too are looking for him -- some people don't really know it and this was the childrens' opportunity to help them see that HE is our only HOPE for while we're earth waiting for Him to come and get us some day.
Davin was such a big boy this year in his 2nd Christmas special. |
I had promised the children that in getting to tell God's story, people would be changed. .
Right now a couple of verses are in my head . . .
out of the mouths of infants HE has ordained praise . . . a little child shall lead them . . .
click here to watch the utube video clip that was sent to me in a forward which helped to inspire our theme "Searching for Jesus"