God is in CONTROL

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Wherever You Set Your Foot . . .

Early Thursday morning, one of my gals in Youth Alive came to me and said that we needed to organize another prayer walk because so many students are getting sick with various types of illnesses. With other things going on in our school, she said we needed to walk around the school and pray Friday afternoon.

As Youth Alive met Thursday for our weekly lunch, 102 kids (almost 8% of the student body) showed up to hear Rev. Kev, the youth leader from Central Baptist, challenge them to go start a revolution and ACT like Jesus with people in their school.

One student didn't plan on being there -- but was making up time for my class and said he wasn't religious so he would try to concentrate on something else while Kevin was speaking. (I'm thinking he overheard a good dose of Jesus!)

Rev. Kev. heard about the prayer walk and gave them a verse from Josh. 1:3. "I promise you what I promised Moses: ‘Wherever you set foot, you will be on land I have given you" (hmmmm . . .pretty timely for me as well, considering my last Thurs. post about the promises of God.")

Friday morning kicked off in it's usual way and it was quite interesting . . . the precious girl who wanted the prayer walk to ward off sickness -- text messaged that she was home sick -- bemoaning the fact that she couldn't be at school to call on help from Heaven for all our school's needs.

Five to six students met at 2:30 and walked the halls to quietly pray for students to be protected from the flu, for students who were struggling to learn, those tempted by drugs and premarital sex, kids who are fighting depression, and ones who are lonely -- just needing a friend.

I am reminded that worn out, at the end of school last Spring, I was struggling with my decision as to whether or not I could take on sponsorship of Youth Alive and add one more thing to my schedule. God sent my friend Leeca with the words, "Maybe He wants you to give up something else so you can do this." These students have been a huge blessing to my life this school year. Their faith and testimony has encouraged me beyond measure.

One star athlete rushed in Thursday so excited -- and asked me if I'd heard yet that one of our other guys had just led a student to Christ after band practice the day before!!! They both were thrilled and couldn't wait to do it again.

There are little groups of kids praying and studying in all parts of the building at different times. I have to get there early on Tues. mornings for a group of Juniors to pray in my office. I can't wait to see what God will do with their young, fresh faith. HE said: "I tell you the truth, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. Matt. 18:3


Sunday, October 18, 2009


We don't get to be with our grown kids as much as we'd like --so Fall Break was my refresher!!!
Terry and I got to spend time with Bethany and Mat and just relax. We lazed around their house, went out to eat, and enjoyed the scrumptious food they served up. (Every meal at their house is an event -- with time spent talking. . laughing and sharing.)

Bethany and I got our "girl time" and went shopping. I got a brief "momma fix" and maybe, just maybe, I can make it until our next visit.

If only Marshall weren't so far away! We sorely miss him! We call and txt. msg. but that's not like being together. Well, Christmas will be here soon and he's promised to take charge of one of the special celebrations for the WHOLE family when we get to Denver! Pray for good traveling weather or CHEAP air fares!!

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Promises, Promises, Promises

We live in a world where, so often, people do not keep their word. The "JK" or "just kidding" era we have just come through has left a group of people who don't feel it necessary to follow through with what they have committed to others that they will do. That is disheartening if you are in a situation where you depend on others to help you get a job done.

This mindset has, I believe, caused us, from time to time, to water down God's promises.

There is a passage in Romans 4 that is especially convincing to me this week:

Abraham believed in the God who brings the dead back to life and who creates new things out of nothing.

18 Even when there was no reason for hope, Abraham kept hoping—believing that he would become the father of many nations. For God had said to him, “That’s how many descendants you will have!” 19 And Abraham’s faith did not weaken, even though, at about 100 years of age, he figured his body was as good as dead—and so was Sarah’s womb.

The God who . . . creates new things out of nothing - - -

Abraham's faith did not weaken even though at 100 --

That's a long time waiting --

Often we try to speak things into happening and we convince ourselves that we can give God a hand -- as if HE's needing some help -- Sara and Abraham tried that -- and it got them 13 more years of waiting. . .and a dysfunctional relationship with a maid and a rebellious teenage son for Abraham.

We first have to ask ourselves -- is it for my good and HIS good? Abraham had a direct WORD from God that this was to come about.

Question to ask ourselves: Did GOD promise me this or do I want this so badly I've convinced myself that HE must want it too?

We waited a long time before God blessed our home with children and I thought God had given up on us -- that HE had some how lost interest in answering our prayers.
BUT in HIS time -- HIS answer was so strong and so profound! Two beautiful, healthy children.

Disappointment does that -- causes us to lose hope and faith in the one who can meet our needs. It can somehow get us into not only doubting God but doubting ourselves and questioning the relationship we have with HIM. We have to not only trust HIM for answers, but trust HIM that HIS answer will be the very best for us.

He was fully convinced that God is able to do whatever HE promises. And because of Abraham’s faith, God counted him as righteous. 23 And when God counted him as righteous, it wasn’t just for Abraham’s benefit. It was recorded for our benefit, too, vs. 22-24

Do you see that we're mentioned in this part of the chapter??? Abraham kept believing and living out of hope -- and it not only kept him going --it was for us too. We're in this part of the story.

The one who called you is faithful and HE will do it! Thess. 5:24

I am with you and will watch over you wherever you go, and I will bring you back to this land. I will not leave you until I have done what I have promised you."
Genesis 28:14-16

Friday, October 9, 2009



I love unusual signs. . . On a trip to Europe a few years ago -- I took pictures of the most unusual signs I could find. There was the one that said "Elderly People" . . . there were various sorts of signs that showed all kinds of twists and turns to the roads. . . there was the yellow caution triangle that showed a black sheep -- recently I came across these signs on line while preparing a class presentation.


It's been a week of varied discussions in both my Life Skills and Marriage & Family classes-- The topics ranged from Conflict Resolution, Communication, Anger Management, Resources, Goals and Decision-making (a lesson I am the most passionate about)

-- I give the topic of Decison-Making my utmost as I explain that "senioritis" is sure to hit -- as sure as February turns into March which welcomes SPRING BREAK. I go on to say that the nearer we get to graduation in May the more invincible the seniors seem to become and as a result some of the decisions they make reflect that.

I remind them that when they are out being wild and crazy with their friends the level of thinking usually falls to that of the wildest, zaniest person in the group and as a result this is not the time they make their best choices. I often add "an angry brain is not a smart brain" to urge them to slow down and not make major decisions when they are angry.

At the conclusion of the discussion, I ask them to write (anonomyously, of course) about the worst decision they have made and explain what the consequences were for them and the impact that decision had on others. They, then, are to write what they learned from all of it.

My objective is not to determine the scariest, wildest or the worst but to get them to think through life choices and realize that a three-second decision can affect them for a lifetime -- positively or negatively. For some, it's the first time they have ever thought about who else might have been impacted by their decision.

I want them to understand that we all (myself included) make "dumb" choices and even bad ones at times. When that happens, we pick ourselves up, make the necessary mid-course corrections and live differently and hopefully, much wiser. The questions is not what we did -- BUT, did we get any SMARTER?

Perhaps we could create signs that would warn them of some of life's pitfalls:

I don't know how much will resonate with them through the months and years to come.
I only hope they heard my heart and even half of what I said
. . . they are so very young!

I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; I will counsel you and watch over you. Psalm 32:8

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