Early Thursday morning, one of my gals in Youth Alive came to me and said that we needed to organize another prayer walk because so many students are getting sick with various types of illnesses. With other things going on in our school, she said we needed to walk around the school and pray Friday afternoon.
As Youth Alive met Thursday for our weekly lunch, 102 kids (almost 8% of the student body) showed up to hear Rev. Kev, the youth leader from Central Baptist, challenge them to go start a revolution and ACT like Jesus with people in their school.
One student didn't plan on being there -- but was making up time for my class and said he wasn't religious so he would try to concentrate on something else while Kevin was speaking. (I'm thinking he overheard a good dose of Jesus!)
Rev. Kev. heard about the prayer walk and gave them a verse from Josh. 1:3. "I promise you what I promised Moses: ‘Wherever you set foot, you will be on land I have given you" (hmmmm . . .pretty timely for me as well, considering my last Thurs. post about the promises of God.")
Friday morning kicked off in it's usual way and it was quite interesting . . . the precious girl who wanted the prayer walk to ward off sickness -- text messaged that she was home sick -- bemoaning the fact that she couldn't be at school to call on help from Heaven for all our school's needs.
Five to six students met at 2:30 and walked the halls to quietly pray for students to be protected from the flu, for students who were struggling to learn, those tempted by drugs and premarital sex, kids who are fighting depression, and ones who are lonely -- just needing a friend.
I am reminded that worn out, at the end of school last Spring, I was struggling with my decision as to whether or not I could take on sponsorship of Youth Alive and add one more thing to my schedule. God sent my friend Leeca with the words, "Maybe He wants you to give up something else so you can do this." These students have been a huge blessing to my life this school year. Their faith and testimony has encouraged me beyond measure.
One star athlete rushed in Thursday so excited -- and asked me if I'd heard yet that one of our other guys had just led a student to Christ after band practice the day before!!! They both were thrilled and couldn't wait to do it again.
There are little groups of kids praying and studying in all parts of the building at different times. I have to get there early on Tues. mornings for a group of Juniors to pray in my office. I can't wait to see what God will do with their young, fresh faith. HE said: "I tell you the truth, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. Matt. 18:3